Eliminating the Falsification of Professional Training Certificates with our New Partner Quintessence Enterprises Ltd

3 min readNov 8, 2021


We are delighted to announce our new partnership with Quintessence Enterprises Ltd.

The aim of our cooperation is to enhance authenticity and eliminate document fraud of digital certifications and make the process of the issuance and verification of certificates transparent and secure like never before.

Quintessence Enterprises Ltd is a Vocational Training Centre authorised by the Human Resource Development Authority, the Department of Labour Inspection, and the Road Transport Department and provides training courses for professionals in the sectors of Occupational Safety and Health, Commercial Transport and Laboratory Operations.

As an Authorised Centre for the Assessment of Professional Qualifications, Quintessence Enterprises Ltd pays the utmost importance to the value of the certificates of attendance of training programs and the certificates of professional qualifications issued to the persons that are certified with the professional qualifications acquired under its capacity as a Personnel Certification Body.

The blockchain technology provides the basis for ensuring the reliability and integrity of transparent, immutable, open and secure Training Certificates. Quintessence Enterprises Ltd is proud of cooperating with BLOCK.CO to issue its certificates based on the most state-of-the-art technology.

No one can doubt the important role education plays today. Throughout our lifetime we strive to learn, whether at school, or at university, or through professional competence courses, to improve our skills and qualifications thoroughly. But when it comes to what we keep in our portfolio, as proof of knowledge, we do not put knowledge itself but documents and certificates confirming the fact of obtaining skills such as university diplomas, professional training certificates, qualification diplomas, etc. However, up to now, there were not many alternatives when it came to addressing the issue of certificate fraud efficiently, other than centralized registries with all the inefficiencies that they carry.

Without blockchain credentialing, certificates may entail document fraud and tampering. Anchoring certificates through blockchain credentialing allows for documents to be instantly verified for their authenticity, for anyone with access to the original document, while making anchored documents highly secured, as they are essentially secured by the security of the public blockchain networks we are using (Bitcoin & Litecoin blockchains).

Our solution will enable Quintessence Enterprises Ltd, to issue and verify professional certificates using blockchain credentialing, which in turn will help employers and recruiters to easily check applicants for the authenticity of the declared educational documents.

At BLOCK.CO, we enable organizations to securely issue certificates by leveraging Blockchain technology, thus making them tamper-proof and instantly and independently verifiable. With no dependency on any single vendor, and with the whole solution being embedded within a PDF file, certificates may be verified for their authenticity by anyone on the Bitcoin or Litecoin blockchain instantly and remotely, just by uploading the file on one of our open-source online validators.

Check our blog to learn more about the benefits of BLOCK.CO’s solution for academic institutions.

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