A bitcoin address is constructed by the public key of a key pair. It can be thought of as an account in Bitcoin where you can receive funds and send funds from.
Publishing addresses within BLOCK.CO’s platform are Bitcoin or Litecoin addresses that are used to anchor information on open public blockchains, ensuring the immutability and security of digital documents. Publishing addresses are used to uniquely identify a client in public, from the client’s Bitcoin address which can be seen during validation.
We verify the identity of each of our clients in a decentralized manner. Currently, we make use of three methods although more can be easily added according to the clients’ requirements. Firstly, a domain name verification is used where our client proves ownership of a domain name that they are using. Secondly, BLOCK.CO provides a verification service that can also be used. And finally, a GitHub verification method can be used where the client uses their GitHub account to prove ownership of their identity. All different identity mechanisms are used to ensure the client’s identity which are also displayed, to a user validating a vPDF document.
Although, each one of the identity verification methods above are centralized when used in conjunction they ensure that there is no centralized point of failure.
BLOCK.CO’s solution is the only truly decentralized blockchain credentialing solution to secure PDF documents from fraud without intermediaries! Verifiable PDFs (or vPDFs) is the open-source technology that BLOCK.CO leverages. While most credentialing solutions require a special wallet, BLOCK.CO ’s solution is web-based and does not require any software downloads.
vPDFs allow anyone to ensure that a PDF’s integrity is secured by anchoring a hash of that PDF on a public blockchain. Since public blockchains are decentralized and immutable the hash will be tamperproof. Therefore, it can be trusted that it was never modified, which allows anyone with the PDF to validate the document by consulting directly with the blockchain (and not necessarily the entity that created the PDF). In addition, we ensure that the identity of the person that created and anchored the PDF document can be validated in a decentralized way by consulting several public online resources that the entity controls.
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